Meet the captain at the helm of Proper Grooming Company!
Gio the NewKid has been marinated in isopropyl seas all around the world. The 20 year career portfolio includes but is not limited to trade shows in Germany, education classes in Indonesia, keynote speeches in the United States and last but not least, molding future scissor stars at the prestigious Schorem Barber Academy.
You name a few, Gio’s done that too.
Book a chair under his watchful eye and experience the blade wielding scissorsery in the cultivated atmosphere of this suave barber parlor.
One of the world’s most iconic harbour cities has harboured the most skilled barbers for decades. Now the Rotterdam scissor wielders give back. Established in 2016 and made in the Netherlands, Proper Grooming Company is the Piéce de Freshistance of the modern coiffure industry. No overlooking – no bullshit.
This family-oriented company is built on the loyalty and support of the tight-knit community of Rotterdam. All products are designed to be simple yet strong, slick yet concrete. Just like our city. The products we offer, just like our community, stick like a motherfucker.